Translation status
Strings623 |
88.8% | Translate |
Words1187 |
89.7% |
1187 words623All strings
1065 words553Translated strings
122 words70Strings needing action
35 words18Not translated strings
87 words52Strings marked as needing edit
7 words7Strings with suggestions
1175 words616Strings without suggestions
231 words164Strings with any failing checks
217 words152This string has more than one translation in this project
14 words13Source and translation are identical
2 words1Source and translation do not both end with a full stop
Project Information
Project website | | |
Instructions for translators | | |
Translation process |
Repository |
Repository branch |
Repository with Weblate translations | http://*/git/sangoma-phones/lcd-interface/ |
Translation file |
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The fulltext search might not work properly as the fulltext index for this translation is not yet up to date.
Percent | Strings | Words | |
Total | 623 | 1187 | |
Translated | 88.8% | 553 | 1065 |
Review | 8.3% | 52 | |
Failing check | 26.3% | 164 |
Last activity
Last change | Jan. 11, 2023, 12:57 p.m. | |||
Last author | peyre |