Medium |
<strong>Simultaneous:</strong> Rings all extensions at once.</br><strong>Sequential:</strong> Rings each extension separately in the order defined in the list
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ALERT_INFO can be used for distinctive ring with SIP devices.<br>If you are having issues, see the "Enforce RFC7462" option found in Settings->Advanced Settings.
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Always transmit the Fixed CID Value below.
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Change External CID Configuration
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Display Extension Ring Group Members
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Enable this if you're calling external numbers that need confirmation - eg, a mobile phone may go to voicemail which will pick up the call. Enabling this requires the remote side push 1 on their phone before the call is put through. This feature only works with the ringall ring strategy
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Fixed value to replace the CID with used with some of the modes above. Should be in a format of digits only with an option of E164 format using a leading '+'.
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If you select a Music on Hold class to play, instead of 'Ring', they will hear that instead of Ringing while they are waiting for someone to pick up.
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Invalid Group Number specified
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List extensions to ring, one per line, or use the Extension Quick Select insert them here.<br><br>You can include an extension on a remote system, or an external number by suffixing a number with a '#'. ex: 2448089# would dial 2448089 on the appropriate trunk (see Outbound Routing)<br><br>Extensions without a '#' will not ring a user's Follow-Me. To dial Follow-Me, Queues and other numbers that are not extensions, put a '#' at the end.
Medium |
List extensions to ring, one per line, or use the Extension Quick Select to insert them here.<br><br>You can include an extension on a remote system, or an external number by suffixing a number with a '#'. ex: 2448089# would dial 2448089
Medium |
Makes a call could hop between the included extensions without a predefined priority to ensure that calls in the groups are (almost) evenly spread. Simulates a Queue when a Queue can not otherwise be used.
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Message to be played to the caller before dialing this group.<br><br>To add additional recordings please use the "System Recordings" MENU above
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Message to be played to the person RECEIVING the call, if 'Confirm Calls' is enabled.<br><br>To add additional recordings use the "System Recordings" MENU above
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Message to be played to the person RECEIVING the call, if the call has already been accepted before they push 1.<br><br>To add additional recordings use the "System Recordings" MENU above
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Only ringall, ringallv2, hunt and the respective -prim versions are supported when confirmation is checked
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Outside Calls Fixed CID Value
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Override the ringer volume. Note: This is only valid for %s phones at this time
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Medium |
Please enter a valid Group Description
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